AAR Supporter Quotes
“It’s like the movie “Traffic”- it’s about family, not just about the girl. Prevention is all about the beginning.”
-Susie Spain, Founder
“Angels at Risk is a safety net catching kids and families from all backgrounds, rich and poor, before they fall through the cracks and for many, Angels at Risk’s free services are the only option they will have for any kind of help.”
-Ted Danson, Founder
“I also just wanted to bring up one specific thing which is something that Mary and I have cared about for years which is an organization called Angels at Risk which started under your umbrella and that deals with social and emotional education which you have been such a leader in that area and we really thank you for everything you do.”
-Ted Danson’s comment on Paul Cummins as an educator
“Think of the wording: Angels at Risk. Risk of what? Of tainting that purest part of us with the idea that we are not worthy enough to exist as we are. There is abuse in the world (drugs, violence, oppression, etc.), horrible things to endure — but at the end of the day we want to maintain ourselves as pure warriors, equipped to be in a position to help someone in need. That’s what we are here for. That is our only requirement during this lifetime.”
-Josh Brolin
“Prevention of drug and alcohol addiction to me = preservation of life, family, and community. It’s that simple.”
-Jesse Sisgold President of Skydance/AAR Lawyer
“Angels at Risk has been an important part of my life as well as the lives of many others who have been touched by its programs and missions.”
-Mel Gibson
“It means being the guardian angel at the top of the cliff, not the ambulance at the bottom.”
-Heather Thomas Brittenham
“Prevention means to my heart that I could of been shown another path I didn’t know was there that could of led to a better life.”
-Madeleine Leigh AAR Program Assistant
“We’re honored to offer our support, because Angels at Risk works courageously to catch children when they stumble. More than ever, this world needs all of its children to find their way along life’s path.”
-Jena & Michael King
“Its a proactive approach to a problem a lot of people never face and what we are doing is investing in hope and where we are coming from is a deeper belief in humanity.”
-Dylan Angels at Risk Counselor
“The promise of authenticity and wonder in your life.”
-Christopher Kennedy Lawford
“What I do with Jon (Barinholtz) on stage has a lot to do with what I started to learn early in my exposure to Angels at Risk–we hope that if we approach each other’s ideas with positivity, faith, and an open heart that we can make amazing discoveries together, that we would not be able to make individually. Hopefully, in our case, you laugh…”
-Robert Belushi
“It will help you get through if you just have short term goals it will help you go further, if you think about not drinking for the rest of your life it will be harder than thinking about just not drinking for today.”
-Audrey, 15 year old Harvard Westlake Student
“It speaks to my heart very loudly, I have a 13 year old son, I think that the younger the children are aware of it the more important it is, that’s what speaks to my heart.”
-Riley Barry
“As a school we try to give our students as much information about the complexion of the drug and alcohol dilemma. We try to talk about the issue as a sophisticated problem we all face. Prevention Counts.”
-Tom Nolan Dean of Crossroads School/Board Member
“This program is very dear to our hearts. We as a family received both a gift and a blessing that we wish for every family struggling with their children’s drug and alcohol use and abuse. We are grateful, humble and dedicated to reaching out in our community.”
-Ted Danson & Mary Steenburgen, Founders
“It saves lives.”
-Adam, AAR Counselor
“Prevention education is paramount. We believe that when the issue of drug and alcohol use is addressed early in life, the family’s future can be changed forever. Everyone has been touched by addiction on some level. We believe in damage control. By embracing the child’s and teenager’s struggle early on, the entire family can grow in their hearts. Teenage drug and alcohol use and abuse can be changed through love and community.”
-Susie Spain, Founder
“Prevention education meant I could of had a childhood.”